Monday, October 14, 2013

Transcontinental RR- Dealing With Workers: Lexi Cole

Dealing With Workers
On June 25, 1875, the demand for higher wages and shorter work hours sky rocketed. The Chinese workers demanded $40 per month than their normal pay of $35, and only 10 hours of work daily. Two days after, the Chinese laborers demand went up to $45. " If there had been that number of white would have been impossible to control them." E.B. Crocker and another CP executive were fearful of the fact that their work may be forever disabled. If the starving Chinese laborers continued with their work they would only be fined a small amount, but if they kept with their demands they wouldn't receive their pay for the month.


  1. Wow, it's hard to believe that Chinese workers were paid 35$ per MONTH. That's so little!

  2. agree with dylan, with 10 hours of work a day, $35 is not that much
